Early Childhood Teacher Education

Early Childhood Teacher Education Program Description

十大网赌网站大全的幼儿教师教育学位课程为幼儿教育领域的就业提供了必要的准备. 这个学位课程提供了广泛的技能,这将有助于与儿童一起工作. 

Courses include childhood development, instructional strategies, 学术技能, 通识教育, 特殊教育, classroom management and application of technology in the classroom. 该计划提供的课程,成为许可和成为就业在早期儿童领域.


如果你打算继续你的幼儿教育的教育家(PreK-5)执照在一个四年制的机构, the Early Childhood Teacher Education program provides a solid base of coursework for transfer. If the goal is to teach at the middle school or high school levels, we encourage you to meet with an advisor in the School of Arts, 业务 & Sciences regarding appropriate course work.



十大网赌网站大全提供全包价格,并与学生合作,以确保他们有完整的大学资金, including financial aid, before they start classes. Please reference the course curriculum tab for program costs.

All-inclusive pricing includes the following:





Not included in the 全包的价格


Pricing for housing and meal plans 可以在这里找到.

A 职业生涯 in Early Childhood Education Does Not Kid Around

As a graduate of the Early Childhood Teacher Education, 您将拥有在州立学校系统中担任教育辅助专业人员(教师助理)所需的学位.

除了, 完成本课程后,您可以在私立儿童保育机构和私立幼儿园担任领导教师.

*The Early Childhood Teacher Education Degree will not make you a 全职老师.

学生学习成果(slo)是学生在完成课程后能够做什么的陈述. 它们代表了一个项目确定的对学生从该项目中获得的最重要的知识和技能,包括成功技能(机构成果)和项目成果. slo是具体的和可测量的,因此该项目可以准确地评估学生达到每个结果的程度, and they align with college and institution mission and values. slo成绩的数据被用来改进课程,提高学生的成功. 

Hocking College Institutional Learning Outcomes

1) Demonstrate sound critical thinking, 信息素养和技术能力在生产的学术写作和演讲

2) 应用 the methods of mathematical, statistical or analytical reasoning to critically evaluate data, solve problems and effectively communicate findings.

3) Demonstrate an awareness of the social, political and economic forces which shape individuals, institutions and communities in the modern world.



6) Cultivate ethical values, personal wellness and personal learning strategies in the development of the whole person, 心, 身体和精神.

7)将内容材料整合到工作中,并应用学科特定的知识和技能,成功地转移或有效地满足实习的期望, 工作场所, volunteerism and/or entrepreneurship endeavors.



The following outcomes are skills, 行为, 幼儿教师教育应用科学副学士学生的态度;

  • Demonstrate skills  to proficiently assist pre-kindergarten through fifth grade students in approaches toward learning; physical well-being and motor development; social and emotional development; language and literary; and cognitive and general knowledge of mathematics, 社会研究, 和科学.
  • 展示知识和应用有效的教学和评估策略,以协助教学和学习在多种教育环境.
  • 了解有效的课堂管理和指导原则,包括确保安全的应急程序, 健康, and general well-being of learners.
  • 对有不同学习需求的个人项目的目的和价值的理解, including students with disabilities, and the role of the paraprofessional in educational settings.
  • 理解联邦、地区和机构的政策和程序
  • Demonstrate knowledge of media technology as it relates to the field of education. 


Click this link to explore our 2+2 partnership with Franklin University! 



  • All registered fall/autumn students with registration status for the following fall/autumn.
  • Excludes special populations - 大学学分加, 非学位, Online 军事 and 大学中心.
  • 潜在的 for upcoming fall/autumn excludes graduates from that fall/autumn, spring and summer terms.
学年 保留率
2014 21%
2015  49%
2016 38%
2017 63%
2018 42%



毕业 rates are determined by the office of Institutional Research. To ensure appropriate time for data collection, 该报告将在上一学年每年9月的最后一周运行并发布. It should be noted that annual graduation rates may change as students continue to graduate. The following criteria will be utilized for the calculation of graduation rates:

  • Overall Program Completion Rate is defined as a percentage of the ratio: 

    All graduates of the program
    All students with the program in their history of programs of study

  • 为了报告的目的,课程完成率按入学学年汇总.
  • 通过授予学位或证书,学生被认为已经完成或从课程或证书中毕业.
  • 一个学生被认为是在一个学习项目中从事活动的时间,他们在一个项目或证书中处于活跃状态. 这是通过在学习课程期间的学习计划状态为“a”来定义的.  学生在继续学习课程的同时,是否应该进入或退出一个学习项目的积极状态, 十大网赌网站大全只考虑学生的活动,而该项目在该特定的学习项目中处于活跃状态.
学年 毕业率
2014 14%
2015  29%
2016 23% 
2017 19%

Do Early Childhood Teacher Education students get to work with children?

绝对! Students arrive in classrooms during the first semester. The student can choose a preschool setting or grades one through three. Hocking College has student placement at locations near campus as well as hometown schools.

What certifications do Early Childhood Teacher Education students earn?


Is there travel opportunities with the Early Childhood Teacher Education program?

所有的二年级学生都要去参加俄亥俄州幼儿教育协会的年会. This conference offers world-class sessions, Ohio Professional Registry credits, and opportunities to meet potential employers.

What types of jobs can I get if I have an associate degree in Early Childhood Teacher Education?

拥有副学士学位的毕业生可以从传统的学前教育中找到世界各地的工作, child care or school settings to nanny, corporate setting or cruise ship. The possibilities are endless.

Students are also able to continue their degree at 4-year school following graduation. 一旦获得学士学位,学生就可以成为小学教师.


Starting the next phase of your life through education may seem daunting. That's why we're here to help every step of the way.
